Публікації науково-педагогічних працівників ЧНУ імені Петра Могили у БД Web of Science : [141] Collection home page


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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 141
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Drawn History Ukrainian Graphic Fiction about National HistoryPidoprygora, S.
2024The Analysis of Geospatial Factors Necessary for the Planning, Design, and Construction of Agricultural Biogas Plants in the Context of Sustainable DevelopmentKochanek, A.; Ciuła, I.; Generowicz, A.; Mitryasova, O.; Jasińska, A.; Jurkowski, S.; Kwaśnicki, P.
2024Sociocultural adaptation of educational attainment and their professional development: pedagogical aspectSvyrydiuk, O.; Humeniuk, I.; Ababilova, N.; Klochko, O.; Hrebnieva, I.
2024Agricultural educational institutions of Kharkiv gubernia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th centuryTrygub, O.; Chalavan, V.
2024Thermally activated processes: the underlying mechanism of activated state formationLazarenko, M. M.; Zabashta, Y. F.; Alekseev, O. M.; Alekseev, S. A.; Yablochkova, K.. S.; Vergun, L. Y.; Bulavin, L. A.
2024GRB 240529A : A Tale of Two ShocksGuziy, S. et al.
2024Hybrid Fuzzy-Color Computing Based on Optical Logical ArchitectureTimchenko, V.; Kreinovich, V.; Kondratenko, Y.; Horbov, V.
2024Influence of the discharge circuit inductance on the process of galvanic wastes electrospark purificationPetrichenko, S.; Przystupa, K.; Malyushevskaya, A.; Ivanov, A.; Mitryasova, O.; Kochan, O.
2024Fuzzy automatic control of the irrigation process for the IoT-based smart farming systemsZheng, Y.; Jiang, Z. J.; Kozlov, O.; Kondratenko, Y. P.
2024Hybrid Water Disinfection Process Using Electrical DischargesMalyushevskaya, A. P.; Koszelnik, P.; Mitryasova, O.; Yushchishina, A.; Mats, A.; Papciak, D.; Zdeb, M. M.
2024Organization of the rational form of air kinetics in chamber for the heat treatment of food productsUsatenko, N.; Verbytskyi, S.; Shchesiuk, O.; Koziy, T.
2024Fiscal aspects of esg business development conceptsLagodiyenko, O.; Uzhva, A.; Khakhaliev, D.
2024Intervention impact on quality of life in Ukrainians with post-traumatic stress disorderKiro, L.; Urbanovych, A.; Zak, M.
2024Alternative ways of resolving disputes in the field of contract lawPanov, A.; Volkova, N.; Panova, L.; Sichko, D.; Petrenko, N.
2024Formation of students' language competencies through the use of innovative technologiesBalalaieva, O.; Sichkar, S.; Zembytska, M.; Shapochka, K.; Ababilova, N.
2024Molecular descriptors and in silico studies of 4-((5-(decylthio)-4-methyl-4n-1,2,4-triazol-3-yl)methyl)morpholine as a potential drug for the treatment of fungal pathologiesOhloblina, M.; Poustforoosh, A.; Bushuieva, I.; Parchenko, V.; Burak, T.; Gutyj, B.
2024Economic Activity of Fortified Settlement ‘Dykyi Sad’ PopulationHorbenko, K.; Matviienko, L.
2024Archaeological Sites of Podillia in Scientific Heritage of Serhii Hamchenko (on materials from 1909 to 1913).Stepanchuk, Y.; Kuzminets, N.; Harhaun, Y.
2024South of Ukraine Archeology on Pages of Collection of Research Papers 'Arkasivski Chytannia' (2011-2023).Parkhomenko, V.; Bobina, O.; Shapovalova, I.
2024Developing Information and Technological Competence of Prospective Military SailorsShevchenko, R.; Cherniavskyi, O.; Shemchuk, V.; Zlobina, O.; Benkovska, N.; Terentieva, N.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 141