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Titel: Modeling the Application of Anti-Crisis Management Business Introduction for the Engineering Sector of the Economy
Autoren: Pohrishchuk, B.
Kolomiiets, T.
Chaliuk, Y.
Yaremko, I.
Hromadska, N.
Stichwörter: Anti-crisis management
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: International Information and Engineering Technology Association
Zusammenfassung: The main purpose of the article is to model the main stages of the implementation of anticrisis management in an engineering enterprise that has a crisis situation. The object of the study is the system of anti-crisis management and business in the engineering sector of the economy. The research methodology involves the use of modern modeling methods that contribute to the achievement of the goals. In particular, the basis is the technique of modeling control processes using functional-graphic elements. As a result, we have chosen a concretely operating engineering enterprise that has crisis signs of development and requires the use of an anti-crisis enterprise. The elements of novelty of the obtained results of the study are presented in the form of established models for overcoming a crisis situation due to the use of anti-crisis management measures. The study is limited by targeting only one engineering enterprise. In the future, it's need to expand the scope of the study in future research work, so that the results can be more generally applicable. Further research needs to expand the application of the methodological approach.
Beschreibung: Pohrishchuk, B., Kolomiiets, T., Chaliuk, Y., Yaremko, I., & Hromadska, N. (2023). Modeling the Application of Anti-Crisis Management Business Introduction for the Engineering Sector of the Economy. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering, 13 (2), 187-194. doi: 10.18280/ijsse.130201
URI: DOI: 10.18280/ijsse.130201
ISSN: 20419031
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