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Title: Розвиток нотаріату на Півдні України (1866– 1917 рр.)
Other Titles: Development of the Notary in the South of Ukraine (1866–1917)
дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.01 «Історія України»
Authors: Шевченко, Н. В.
Keywords: Котляр Ю. В.
Південь України
інститут нотаріату
старший нотаріус
нотаріальний архів
нотаріальна контора
окружний суд
the South of Ukraine
institute of notary
senior notary
the notarial archive
the notarial office
district court
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Abstract: У дисертації досліджується процес формування, становлення, розвитку та регіональні особливості діяльності інституту нотаріату на Півдні України в 1866–1917 рр. Проаналізовано нотаріальну реформу 1866 р., яка привела до укомплектування штатів нотаріальних контор, створення нотаріальних архівів та упорядкування нотаріального діловодства. Досліджено структуру і штати нотаріальних контор, службові обов’язки молодших і старших нотаріусів. Показано роботу нотаріальних установ Одеського, Херсонського, Єлисаветградського, Катеринославського і Сімферопольського окружних судів, висвітлено організацію роботи, умови праці, рівень професійної підготовки нотаріусів, простежено їх повсякденну діяльність. The thesis is devoted to the research of the process of formation, organization, development and regional peculiarities of the activities of the Notary Institute in the South of Ukraine in 1866–1917. The main processes related to the policy of the Government of the Russian Empire in the sphere of the notary as an important area of state, legal and public life are shown. The prerequisites for formation of notarial activity in the territory of Ukrainian provinces and the process of subordination of the Southern Ukraine's notary service to the general state judicial system of the Russian state are revealed. The factors influencing the formation of a notary in the region are highlighted. It was analyzed the notarial reform of 1866, which led to the staffing of the notarial offices, the creation of notarial archives and the organization of notarial proceedings. The essence and results of reform in the southern region of Ukraine are shown. It is pointed out the shortcomings of the reform and factors that demanded the modernization of the notarial legislation of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century. The paper substantiates the conclusion that the creation and reform of the institute of notary was caused by the development and expansion of economic activity, the active growth of civil-law relations in the state, the need for the professional drafting of legal acts and provision of legal assistance to the population. It is noted that the Statute on the notarial part of 1866 was a progressive act, since it introduced a single universal notary institution as a form of public activity of independent notaries authorized by the state to perform notarial acts. It was emphasized that the legal status of the notary was characterized by double position: on the one hand, notaries were in the civil service, but without the right to receive pay and pensions, and on the other – their activity had the status of private legal practice. Thus, the notary was both an official and a representative of the free legal profession. A wide range of problems related to the notarial affairs of Northern Ukraine is investigated: the structure and status of notarial offices and notarial archives; service duties of younger and senior notaries, as well as institutions and persons carrying out notarial acts; system of organization and types of notarial operations. A special place is devoted to the study of the number of notaries in the region, finding out about their surnames, years of service, positions, and civilian ranks. The number of notaries in the region has been calculated, which was 38.5 % of the total number of notaries in other Ukrainian provinces. It was revealed that the largest number of notaries was in Odesa. It is noted that the number of notarial offices in the villages of the South of Ukraine was significantly fewer compared to the cities, which gave villagers an inconvenience in using the notarial services. This fact led to the opening of new offices. So in the early twentieth century their number increased five times in comparison with the previous period. The activities of the notarial offices of Odesa, Kherson, Yelysavethrad, Katerynoslav and Simferopol district courts are shown, the organization of work, working conditions, the level of professional training of notaries was highlighted. Everyday activities, material wealth, standard of living of notaries in provincial, county cities, towns and villages of Southern Ukraine are determined and compared. The role of notarial bodies and institutions in the legal provision of the needs of the population in the region is highlighted. It was defined the fact that the free profession of the notary, the main and additional profits, the ability to engage in public affairs and commercial activity turned the notarial work into a family business. The conclusion is based on the fact that the notarial business in the South of Ukraine was inextricably connected with the all-Russian legal traditions. The gradual development of notarial activities in the region was conditioned by the growth of economic potential, civilian circulation, the expansion of the range of objects and subjects of private property.
Description: Шевченко Н. В. Розвиток нотаріату на Півдні України (1866– 1917 рр.) = Development of the Notary in the South of Ukraine (1866–1917) : дис. … канд. істор. наук ; спец. 07.00.01 «Історія України» / Н. В. Шевченко ; наук. керівник Ю. В. Котляр ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Миколаїв, 2019. 372 с.
Appears in Collections:2019

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