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dc.contributor.authorМихайловський, Т. О.-
dc.descriptionМихайловський Т. О. Діяльність міжнародних організацій на Півдні України (1921–1929 рр.) = The activities of international organizations in the South of Ukraine (1921–1929) : дис. … наук. ступ. канд. істор. наук ; спец. 07.00.01 «Історія України» / Т. О. Михайловський ; наук. керівник О. П. Тригуб ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Миколаїв, 2017. 267 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню діяльності міжнародних філантропічних організацій у південноукраїнському регіоні протягом 1920-х років. У роботі висвітлено основні напрями діяльності організацій, умови їх функціонування та співпраці чи конфліктності з радянською владою. Реконструйовано діяльність Американської адміністрації допомоги, як однієї з найбільших допомогових організацій. Визначено роль різних неурядових міжнародних організацій, що надавали допомогу голодуючому населенню Південної України («Місія Нансена», Вереліф, Міжнародних союз допомоги дітям, Американський єврейський розподільчий комітет Джойнт, національні організацій Міжнародного Червоного хреста тощо) під час голоду 1921–1923 рр. та у подоланні наслідків розрухи в УСРР (1923–1924 рр.) у регіональному розрізі. З’ясовано значення єврейських міжнародних організацій Джойнт та Агро-Джойнт у розбудові господарства та соціокультурної сфери у регіоні у відбудовчий період 1923–1929 рр. The dissertation is devoted to the comprehensive study of the activities of international philanthropic organizations in the southern Ukrainian region during the 1920s. The paper analyzes the level of studying the problem, determines and analyzes the source base. The process of the establishment of representations from international organizations in the South of Ukraine is revealed. The main directions of activity of organizations, conditions of their functioning and interaction with the Soviet authorities are clarified. It was determined that for the regulation of cooperation the Bolsheviks created state structures that were constantly changing and reorganized. At the same time, the creation of coordinating bodies under the government of the USSR was the consequence of the creation of similar structures in Moscow. Plenipotentiary representation at overseas organizations was the main public body which was operating at the height of the activities of international organizations. During 1923–1924, the Foreign Assistance Commission, which was abolished in 1924, operated. The activities of the American Relief Administration, as one of the largest help organizations, have been rehabilitated, due to coverage of the preconditions for its appearance in the Ukrainian SSR, assistance process and the consequences of their activities. The main areas of activity of the ARA were nutrition through the dining room and the distribution of rations, distribution of food and real parcels, provision of medical care, assistance to other international philanthropic organizations. The role of various non-governmental international organizations that provided assistance to the hungry population of Southern Ukraine (Nansen’s Mission, Verelif, International Children’s Alliance (The Save the Children Fund), European Student Relief, The American Jewish Distribution Committee Joint, national organizations of the International Red Cross etc.) during the 1921–1923 famine was determined. As a result, thanks to the comprehensive assistance of international organizations, hundreds of thousands of residents of the region succeeded in saving hundreds of thousands of deaths from hunger and the help of the European Student Assistance made it possible to save the intellectual environment of the Ukrainian people from the hunger death and disease, who was formed during the long-term development of education and its spiritual culture. The place of international humanitarian organizations in overcoming the consequences of devastation in the USSR (1923–1924) is traced in a regional context. The end of the official fight against hunger and its consequences in the summer of 1923 did not automatically lead to the disappearance of international assistance and the cessation of philanthropic organizations. The mission of the Nansen Mission, the Joint, the ESR and the AS-ESR, Verelif, SCF, «Forwards» and the German Red Cross have expressed a desire to continue work in the South of Ukraine. Most organizations continued to develop the same direction of work as in the previous period. At the same time, their combined efforts have allowed to revive the economy of the region. The significance of the Jewish international organizations, the Joint and AgroJoint, in establishing the economy and socio-cultural sphere in the region during the rebuilding period of 1923–1929 was determined. Thanks to the Joint, a number of new colonies were formed in the Odesa and Mykolaiv regions, but the largest share fell on the undeveloped steppes of Kherson region, where a national Kalinindorf district was created. Under the leadership of the Joint, new types of works were opened in agricultural societies. The huge funds of the Joint were sent to the development of agriculture, children's homes, vocational schools, agricultural schools and courses, providing the population with agricultural inventory and varietal seeds. The American Joint Committee provided agronomic assistance to 10,000 peasant farms in 29 Jewish and 27 Ukrainian villages. The funds of the Joint were spent on breeding businesses, expanding land management and planting vineyards.uk_UA
dc.publisherЧНУ ім. Петра Могилиuk_UA
dc.subjectТригуб О. П.uk_UA
dc.subjectміжнародні організаціїuk_UA
dc.subjectгуманітарна допомогаuk_UA
dc.subjectрадянська Українаuk_UA
dc.subjectголод 1921–1923 рр.uk_UA
dc.subjectinternational organizationsuk_UA
dc.subjecthumanitarian reliefuk_UA
dc.subjectSoviet Ukraineuk_UA
dc.subjectfamine of 1921–1923uk_UA
dc.titleДіяльність міжнародних організацій на Півдні України (1921–1929 рр.)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe activities of international organizations in the South of Ukraine (1921–1929)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeдисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук ; спеціальність 07.00.01 «Історія України»uk_UA
dc.typeWorking Paperuk_UA
Appears in Collections:2017

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