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Title: Complex correction of eating behaviour disorders, anthropometric and physiological indicators in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the background of abdominal obesity
Other Titles: Особенности коррекции расстройств пищевого поведения, антропометрических и физиологических показателей у пациентов с неалкогольной болезнью печени на фоне абдоминального ожирения
Особливості корекції розладів харчової поведінки, антропометричних та фізіологічних показників у пацієнтів з неалкогольною жировою хворобою печінки на фоні абдомінального ожиріння
Authors: Kiro, L.
Zak, M.
Kushnirenko, I.
Chernyshov, O.
Keywords: cognitive-behavioural therapy
eating behaviour
eating behaviour
non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: H.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
Abstract: Purpose: to evaluate the effectiveness of correction of eating behaviour disorders, anthropometric, physiological indicators by implementing combined non-drug treatment for patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the background of abdominal obesity. Material and methods 85 patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the background of abdominal obesity of the 1st degree were examined. All patients were divided into two clinical groups: 1st group (research) - 48 people, with average body mass index BMI=32.55±1.07 kg/m2, who underwent a course of cognitive behavioural therapy, diet therapy, and physical activity for 6 months; the control group - 37 people with average BMI=31.95±1.03 kg/m2 followed only a rational diet and physical activity, without cognitive behavioural therapy. The examination of the patients included the measurement of anthropometric and physiological indicators, questionnaires according to the DEBQ (Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire). Results On the 180th day, the number of patients with normal blood pressure in the 1st group increased in 2.38 times (D=2.3511, p=0.0015), healthy eating behavior was recorded in 2.38 times more often (D=0.2215, p=0.0047) and the number of restrictive type of EB decreased in 2.0 times (D=0.4321, p=0.0031), compared to the control group. Conclusion A combined course of therapy in the form of a rational diet, aerobic exercise and cognitive behavioural therapy should be an integral component of early non-drug treatment, as a guarantee not only of the correction of anthropometric and functional indicators, but also of the modification of the eating behavior and a guarantee of long-term maintenance of the desired weight.
Description: Kiro, L., Zak, M., Kushnirenko, I., & Chernyshov, O. (2023). Complex correction of eating behaviour disorders, anthropometric and physiological indicators in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the background of abdominal obesity. [Людмила Киро, Максим Зак, Инеса Кушниренко, Олег Чернышов. Особенности коррекции расстройств пищевого поведения, антропометрических и физиологических показателей у пациентов с неалкогольной болезнью печени на фоне абдоминального ожирения; Людмила Кіро, Максим Зак, Інеса Кушніренко, Олег Чернишов. Особливості корекції розладів харчової поведінки, антропометричних та фізіологічних показників у пацієнтів з неалкогольною жировою хворобою печінки на фоні абдомінального ожиріння] Health, Sport, Rehabilitation, 9(1), 93-105. doi:10.34142/HSR.2023.09.01.08
URI: DOI: 10.34142/HSR.2023.09.01.08
ISSN: 25202677
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