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Showing results 277 to 296 of 2202 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Recent developments in automatic control systemsKondratenko, Y. P.; Kuntsevich, V. M.; Chikrii, A. A.; Gubarev, V. F.
2024Recent Developments in Automatic Control Systems. Preface.Kondratenko, Y. P.; Kuntsevich, V. M.; Chikrii, A. A.; Gubarev, V. F.
2024Reform of Decentralization of Power in Ukraine Under Conditions of War: Legal Regulation, Management Features and Directions for ImprovementChyrkin, A.; Arsentieva, O.; Valetska, O.; Antonenko, M.; Mezeria, O.
2023Regarding One Flint Item from the Collection of the Upper Paleolithic Site Kaystrova Balka IVPistruil, I.
2023Regarding one flint item from the collection of the Upper Paleolithic site Kaystrova Balka IVPistruil, I.
2022Regulatory Policy : Bibliometric Analysis Using the VOSviewer ProgramZhavoronok, A.; Chub, A.; Yakushko, I.; Kotelevets, D.; Lozychenko, O.; Kupchyshynа, O.
2024Reliability control of technical systems based on canonical decomposition of random sequencesAtamanyuk, I.; Kondratenko, Y.; Solesvik, M.
2024Research of Alternative Models of Serendipity Finite Elements Using Model ProblemsGuchek, P.; Litvinenko, O.; Astionenko, I.; Dudchenko, O.; Khomchenko, A.
2024Research progress in surface water quality monitoring based on remote sensing technologyZheng, Y.; Wang, J.; Kondratenko, Y.; Wu, J.
2024Research tendencies and prospect domains for AI development and implementationKondratenko, Y. P.; Shevcenkc, A. I.
2023Resource Losses to Ukrainian Tourism Caused by Full-scale Russian AggressionLyubitseva, O.; Buchko, Z.; Patrusheva, L.; Kochetkova, I.
2023Resveratrol attenuates the development of nitro-oxidative stress in the liver of rats exposed to round-the-clock lighting and a high-carbohydrate-lipid dietFrenkel, Y.; Cherno, V.; Kostenko, H.; Kostenko, V.
2021Sacred history / Сакральна історія (2021)Котляр, Ю. В.
2014Schriftliche GeschäftskommunikationNesdaimina, М. М.; Popowa, L. G.
2024Silver Nanoparticles Stabilized by Oligomeric Hyperbranched Jonic Liquid : Structure and Antimicrobial PropertiesLysenkov, E. A.; Striutskyi, O. V.; Klymenko, L. P.; Shevchenko, V. V.
2013Slip Displacement Sensors for Intelligent Robots : Solutions and ModelsKondratenko, Y. P.; Klymenko, L. P.; Kondratenko, V. Y.; Kondratenko, G. V.; Shvets, E. A.
2022Small Business and Corruption : Peculiarities of the InteractionVerlanov, Yu.
2022Small vessel disease in patients with post-COVID syndromeKhramtsov, D.; Muratova, T.; Stoyanov, A.; Vikarenko, M.; Vorokhta, Y.
2022Socio-Pedagogical and Psychological Aspects of Accompanying Students with Special Needs in the Context of the Development of Inclusive EducationMamicheva, O.; Dmytriieva, I.; Omelchenko, M.; Silchenko, V.; Bobrova, H.; Say, D.
2024Some Aspects of Artificial Intelligence Development Strategy for Mobile TechnologiesSlyusar, V.; Kondratenko, Y.; Shevchenko, A.; Yeroshenko, T.