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Titel: Unveiling the War and Constructing Identities: Exploring Memes in Ukrainian and Russian Social Media during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Autoren: Mozolevska, A.
Stichwörter: participatory culture
popular culture
Social media
multimodal analysis
Russo-Ukrainian War
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Zusammenfassung: The article examines the generation and deployment of visual narratives in Ukrainian and Russian digital participatory cultures, with a specific focus on internet memes in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. It analyzes the form, content, and functions of these memes and highlights their similarity in mobilizing and conveying political messages despite variations in their visual components. The study indicates that Ukrainian memes are used not only to promote political agendas but also serve as trauma coping and collective identity construction mechanisms in times of crisis, helping to promote new war narratives that are engaged in the construction of the self and the other.
Beschreibung: Mozolevska, A . (2024). Unveiling the War and Constructing Identities: Exploring Memes in Ukrainian and Russian Social Media during the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Czech journal of international relations, 59 (2), 8–37. DOI: 10.32422/cjir.784
ISSN: 2788-2985
2788-2993 el.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Публікації науково-педагогічних працівників ЧНУ імені Петра Могили у БД Web of Science

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