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Titel: New Lie Symmetries and Exact Solutions of a Mathematical Model Describing Solute Transport in Poroelastic Materials
Autoren: Cherniha, R.
Davydovych, V.
Vorobyova, A.
Stichwörter: poroelastic material
nonlinear differential equation
Lie symmetry
exact solution
Erscheinungsdatum: 2024
Herausgeber: MDPI
Zusammenfassung: A one-dimensional model for fluid and solute transport in poroelastic materials (PEMs) is studied. Although the model was recently derived and some exact solutions, in particular steadystate solutions and their applications, were studied, special cases occurring when some parameters vanish were not analysed earlier. Since the governing equations are nonintegrable in nonstationary cases, the Lie symmetry method and modern tools for solving ODE systems are applied in order to construct time-dependent exact solutions. Depending on parameters arising in the governing equations, several special cases with new Lie symmetries are identified. Some of them have a highly nontrivial structure that cannot be predicted from a physical point of view or using Lie symmetries of other real-world models. Applying the symmetries obtained, multiparameter families of exact solutions are constructed, including those in terms of elementary and special functions (hypergeometric, Whittaker, Bessel and modified Bessel functions). A possible application of the solutions obtained is demonstrated, and it is shown that some exact solutions can describe (at least qualitatively) the solute transport in PEM. The obtained exact solutions can also be used as test problems for estimating the accuracy of approximate analytical and numerical methods for solving relevant boundary value problems.
Beschreibung: Cherniha, R., Davydovych, V., & Vorobyova, A. (2024). New Lie Symmetries and Exact Solutions of a Mathematical Model Describing Solute Transport in Poroelastic Materials. Mathematical and Computational Applications, 29 (3), art. no. 43. DOI: 10.3390/mca29030043
ISSN: 2297-8747 el.
1300-686X print
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