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Titel: Financial Strategy of Management for Marketing and Communication Design in Smart Economy Conditions
Autoren: Lozhachevska, O.
Taranenko, A.
Raikovska, I.
Pleskach, O.
Kupchyshynа, O.
Shatskaya, Z.
Puzyryova, P.
Stichwörter: finance
smart economy
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Zusammenfassung: The purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of a financial strategy for marketing and communication design management in a smart economy. It is noted that the solution to the problem of assessing the financial strategy of marketing and communication design management in a smart economy is important in shaping a new type of national economy based on technology, new knowledge and innovation. It is noted that the chosen topic of our study has hardly been analysed in the works of domestic and foreign scientists. In view of the above, we propose a methodology for assessing the financial strategy of marketing and communication design management in a smart economy. On the basis of multifactor linear regression, the study of the influence of smart economy factors on the level of profitability of enterprises as a resultant indicator of financial strategic management for the past ten years has been conducted. Using the tools of different types of mathematical-statistical modelling, the forecasting of the level of financial management efficiency for 2024-2026 has been calculated.
Beschreibung: Lozhachevska, O., Taranenko, A., Raikovska, I., Pleskach, O., Kupchyshynа, O., Shatskaya, Z., & Puzyryova, P. (2023). Financial Strategy of Management for Marketing and Communication Design in Smart Economy Conditions. Management Theory and Studies for Rural Business and Infrastructure Development, 45 (4), 314–333. DOI: 10.15544/mts.2023.32
ISSN: 1822-6760
2345-0355 el.
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