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Назва: Methodological Principles of Research in the Field of Ensuring Evidence Collection (on the Example of Cybercrimes): Criminal-legal, Criminal-procedural, and Forensic Aspects
Автори: Baranenko, D.
Koval, A.
Dulskyi, O.
Lisitsyna, Y.
Musayev, E.
Ключові слова: methodological principles
provision of evidence collection
criminal-legal aspect of research
criminal-procedural aspect of research
forensic aspect of research
Дата публікації: 2023
Видавництво: Editorial Primmate
Короткий огляд (реферат): The complexity, multifacetedness, and interdisciplinary status of ensuring the collection of evidence leads to the need to study it in the coordinate system set by different levels of scientific methodology. With this in mind, we consider it necessary to analyze the current issues of study methodology in ensuring evidence collection on the basis of cybercrimes. The purpose of the work is studying the criminal-legal, criminalprocedural, and forensic aspects of the methodological foundations of research in securing evidence on the example of cybercrimes. The research methodology includes such methods as the general system-structural method, the dialectical method, the historical method, the system method, the comparative-legal method, logical methods (deduction, induction, analogy, analysis, synthesis), the structural-logical method, and the modeling method. As a conclusion of the conducted research, the regulatory and legal factors that constitute the legal basis of the organizational and technical principles of the investigation of crimes in the field of cybercrime were considered, and the problematic issues of the research methodology were identified. It was concluded that the methodological support of the research of evidence collection is a complex, multifaceted task of scientific research, it can be solved only on the basis of a systematic approach to this problem.
Опис: Baranenko, D., Koval, A., Dulskyi, O., Lisitsyna, Y., & Musayev, E. (2023). Methodological Principles of Research in the Field of Ensuring Evidence Collection (on the Example of Cybercrimes): Criminal-legal, Criminal-procedural, and Forensic Aspects. Amazonia Investiga, 12 (67), 232-240. DOI: 10.34069/AI/2023.67.07.21
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/full-record/WOS:001089372400021
ISSN: 2322-6307 el.
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