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Titel: Economic Assessment of Regional Challenges in the Sphere of Health Protection in Ukraine under the Conditions of Sustainable Development
Autoren: Havrychenko, D.
Antonova, L.
Petryk, S.
Avtomeenko, E.
Tyshko, D.
Samchuk, P.
Stichwörter: sustainable development
European integration
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Zusammenfassung: The article is devoted to determining the development directions of the healthcare sector of Ukraine at the regional level, taking into account the European integration vector and the challenges of modern times. The purpose of the article is to determine the priorities of health care development in Ukraine at the regional level by assessing the compliance of the health care system in the regions of Ukraine with the Sustainable Development Goals to improve the economic development of the regions. The methodological data for the calculations have been taken from the World Health Organization, the State Statistics Committee, the Ministry of Health, the National Health Service of Ukraine, the Center for Public Health, publications, and statistics of the European Commission, Statista. The economic indicators of the development of the regions of Ukraine were analyzed. An assessment of regional challenges in the sphere of health care of Ukraine in conditions of sustainable development was carried out (Vinnytsia, Odesa, Rivne, Lviv, and KharkivOblasts, which have the highest indicators of achieving Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals in Central, Southern, Northern, Western and Eastern Ukraine, respectively) with the Sustainable Development Goals has been analyzed. Following the results of the assessment of the regions using the petal diagram in the polar coordinate system, the priorities for the development of the regions under study and the general directions for the healthcare sector development in Ukraine at the regional level in the context of European integration have been identified.
Beschreibung: Havrychenko, D., Antonova, L., Petryk, S., Avtomeenko, E., Tyshko, D., & Samchuk, P. (2023). Economic Assessment of Regional Challenges in the Sphere of Health Protection in Ukraine under the Conditions of Sustainable Development. Financial and Credit Activity Problems of Theory and Practice, 1 (48), 409–417. DOI: 10.55643/fcaptp.1.48.2023.3948
ISSN: 2306-4994
2310-8770 el.
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