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Titel: Modal Analysis of the Axial Compressor Blade : Advanced Time-Dependent Electronic Interferometry and Finite Element Method
Autoren: Tkach, M.
Morhun, S.
Zolotoy, Y.
Zhuk, I.
Stichwörter: natural vibration
compressor blades
time-dependent electronic interferometry
finite elements method
vibration modes and frequencies
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
Zusammenfassung: Natural frequencies and vibration modes of axial compressor blades are investigated. A refined mathematical model based on the usage of an eight-nodal curvilinear isoparametric finite element was applied. The verification of the model is carried out by finding the frequencies and vibration modes of a smooth cylindrical shell and comparing them with experimental data. A high-precision experimental setup based on an advanced method of time-dependent electronic interferometry was developed for this aim. Thus, the objective of the study is to verify the adequacy of the refined mathematical model by means of the advanced time-dependent electronic interferometry experimental method. The divergence of the results of frequency measurements between numerical calculations and experimental data does not exceed 5 % that indicates the adequacy and high reliability of the developed mathematical model. The developed mathematical model and experimental setup can be used later in the study of blades with more complex geometric and strength characteristics or in cases when the real boundary conditions or mechanical characteristics of material are uncertain.
Beschreibung: Tkach, M., Morhun, S., Zolotoy, Y. & Zhuk, I. (2022). Modal Analysis of the Axial Compressor Blade : Advanced Time-Dependent Electronic Interferometry and Finite Element Method. International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, 39 (4), 589-597.
ISSN: 2022-12-16 Print
2020-06-04 Online
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