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Titel: Modern Practice of Using Interactive Forms and Methods of Preventive Education of the Student Youth
Autoren: Surgova, S.
Faichuk, O.
Stichwörter: preventive education
interactive teaching forms and methods
student youth
pedagogical prevention
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: «Аз-буки»
Zusammenfassung: The research is devoted to the use of interactive forms and methods of preventive education of students. The purpose of the article is to reveal the essence and possibilities of effective interactive forms and methods of preventive education of students. The purpose and objectives of preventive education which is the basis for the formation of positive social attitudes of the student youth are analyzed. The conducted research concludes that interactive forms and methods of preventive education are aimed at the development of students’ mental abilities, their individuality and uniqueness, their positive changes in the awareness, health culture. The result of the implementation of interactive forms and methods of preventive education of students is to obtain knowledge, social experience in the process of communication not only with adults, but also with peers, to increase competence in the formation of health culture, and to prevent negative behavior.
Beschreibung: Surgova, S. & Faichuk, O. (2022). Modern Practice of Using Interactive Forms and Methods of Preventive Education of the Student Youth. Pedagogika-Pedagogy, 94 (6) , 791-800.
ISSN: 0861–3982 (Print)
1314–8540 (Online)
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