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Назва: Методичні підходи до управління розвитком сільськогосподарських підприємств
Автори: Гоман, О. В.
Ключові слова: сільськогосподарське підприємство
стратегічне управління
сільськогосподарське виробництво
agricultural enterprise
strategic management
agricultural production
Дата публікації: 2022
Видавництво: Тов. «ДКС Центр»
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article is devoted to the consideration of methodical approaches to managing the development of agricultural enterprises. In the theory and practice of management, there is currently no single definition of the concept of "enterprise development", as scientists have not developed a common approach to considering the essence and content of this term, and also identify it with the terms "development" or "development strategy". It should be emphasized that this results in terminological uncertainty, thus difficulties for the development of a specific enterprise, since it is unknown what is meant by "development" and what are the stages of managing the development of an organization. The purpose of the strategy is the economic growth of the enterprise and its development. We believe that the development of agriculture in the current conditions can be attributed to the fourth technological order, which involves full mechanization of production processes. For an adequate assessment of the environment of the functioning of the enterprises in the studying field, it is advisable to generalize the methodical approaches proposed both within the framework of the general methodology of strategic management and taking into account agricultural production as a whole. Strategic analysis is focused on the identification of prospects for business development, that is, on the understanding of external and internal factors that affect its functioning. Obviously, the introduction of the principles and norms of strategic management into the practical activities of business entities requires the development of proposals for their practical use and a system of indicators for evaluating their effectiveness. Thus, efficiency in a sufficiently broad sense should be considered as a synthesis of the existing result of activity and the benefit that it does not bring. By its very nature, the efficiency of a business entity involves a comparison of the net result of activity with the total cost of resources. If we consider the efficiency of the enterprise's activity, then it involves a comprehensive assessment of business efficiency and an assessment of its value. In the current conditions of the development of agricultural enterprises, the approach to developing a strategy becomes more open, thus it involves accessibility to subordinate management structures that participate in its implementation. When implementing strategic changes in an agricultural enterprise, in our opinion, the model of the so-called gradual onset of changes can be successfully used. This approach involves, at the first stage, the formation of a team — preferably from managers who have relevant knowledge and experience, who are convinced of the need for changes in the enterprise. At the second stage, the company's tasks are simplified, so, its resources are concentrated only in important strategic directions. At the same time, certain types of activities that require significant investments, but are not the main ones in the implementation of strategic tasks, are not considered. The third stage consists in the creation of new key advantages of the enterprise and is related to the formulation of new tasks of its activity, which must be solved gradually, as they are actually experimental and cause high risk. At the fourth stage, it is necessary to preserve and consolidate the advantages achieved by the enterprise by creating reliable levers for their management. We believe that the practical use of strategic management tools and methods by agricultural enterprises will allow to increase production volumes and the share of high-quality products, therefore, to achieve strategic development goals. Reasoned approaches to determining the economic efficiency of agricultural production at the level of an organization focused on an innovative type of development should be based on a systematic approach that takes into account indicators and factors affecting the functioning of the industry and a comprehensive assessment of efficiency.
Опис: Гоман О. В. Методичні підходи до управління розвитком сільськогосподарських підприємств / О. В. Гоман // Інвестиції : практика та досвід : наук.-практ. журн. – 2022. – № 19–20. – жовт. – С. 100–107. – Бібліогр. 15 назв.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/1990
ISSN: 2306-6814
Розташовується у зібраннях:2022 рік

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