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Titel: Реформування Ради Безпеки ООН у період однополярності (1991- 2001 рр.)
Autoren: Мащенко, В.
Stichwörter: ООН
Рада Безпеки
Генеральна Асамблея
Робоча Група
Security Council
General Assembly
Working Group
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Zusammenfassung: Реформування Ради Безпеки Організації Об’єднаних Націй є одним з ключових питань подальшого стабільного та прогнозованого розвитку міжнародного середовища. Після розвалу СРСР і закінчення «холодної війни» це стало зрозуміло міжнародній спільноті, тому, зазначене питання почало активно обговорюватись на Генеральних Асамблеях. У результаті чого була створена спеціальна Робоча Група для розгляду, систематизації та формулювання пропозицій щодо трансформації у Раді Безпеки. At the present stage of international relations are becoming increasingly evident need prompt and coordinated counter threats are global. Only mechanisms operating within legitimate structures with sufficient moral authority to ensure that their decisions are universally recognized and not provoke accusations of arbitrariness and double standards can provide an effective response to these threats and challenges. Traditionally it was believed that the UN is the only universal organization of the world community, the supreme bearer and guardian of modern international law and as such enjoys the highest moral authority for some time has been questioned. Currently, not only international experts, but also representatives of nongovernmental organizations put forward the idea of radical reform of the UN and a radical revision of its Charter. UN criticism related to its excessive bureaucratization, parallelism in the functions of many structures. In addition, the UN is accused of being more responsive to crises than preventing them. The UN’s interest in conflicts in different regions of the world gives grounds to claim the existence of double standards in its activities. However, the UN still has sufficient potential to become a successfully functioning political tool for solving world problems, a recognized guarantor of global and regional stability. At the same time, to achieve this goal, it is necessary to carry out reforms that affect the main bodies and institutions of the United Nations. Basic, but at the same time the most complex and controversial is the reform of the Security Council. Since the establishment of the Council, threats and challenges to international peace and security have changed, as has the distribution of power among the members of the Organization. As you know, the UN was conceived as an organization of victorious countries in World War II. The Security Council had the primary responsibility for maintaining the peace and security of the peoples. In determining the composition of the Security Council, the founders of the UN were guided primarily by the existence of forces in the world, therefore, it can be claimed that the composition of the Council at that time correctly reflected the international political situation.
Beschreibung: Мащенко В. Реформування Ради Безпеки ООН у період однополярності (1991- 2001 рр.) / В. Мащенко // Acta de Historia & Politica : Saeculum XXI. – 2020. – Vol. IІ. – Р. 27–34. – Bibliogr. at the end of the art.
ISSN: 2708-0889
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2020 рік

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