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Titel: Updating the prestige of the civil service in the reform process
Autoren: Karkovska, V.
Stichwörter: civil service prestige
civil service prestige indicators
level of civil service prestige
interests of society
reforms of the civil service of Ukraine
Erscheinungsdatum: 2020
Herausgeber: Ємельянова Т. В.
Zusammenfassung: The prestige of the civil service affects the quality of attracting resources to the public administration, and the civil service is considered as part of the public administration connected with the realization of the goals, tasks and functions of the state. The study of the factors of prestige and the attempt to formulate its model are necessary to manage the process of raising the prestige of socially important spheres of life, one of which is the protection of national interests. The article identifies and analyzes that influence the formation of the prestige of the civil service of Ukraine and leading countries. They are based on the use of official position not in the interests of society: protectionism, mutual services, use of state property for personal purposes, as well as bribes, kickbacks and other illegal mechanisms of "transformation of power into money". Also, criteria have been selected to take into account the prestige, which are a result of the efficiency of public administration and the macroeconomic environment, because they reflect the possibilities and freedom of realization of activity. Updating the prestige of the civil service is a prerequisite for successful European integration and good and efficient public administration that meets the requirements of modern times and European standards and principles of good governance. The detail analyzes the main factors influencing the prestige of the civil service. After evaluating all possible factors, we can distinguish those that most accurately and accurately reflect the results of the question under study. Measures justified to increase the level of prestige of the civil service. The effectiveness of the reform of the Ukrainian civil service must be accompanied by the creation of a professional, politically impartial, stable, highly efficient, authoritative and prestigious civil service capable of meeting the challenges of today and providing quality administrative services that meet European standards.
Beschreibung: Karkovska V. Updating the prestige of the civil service in the reform process / V. Karkovska // Публічне управління та регіональний розвиток = Public Administration and Regional Development : наук. журн. – 2020. – № 7. – C. 125–134. – Бібліогр. 16 назв.
ISSN: 2616-6216
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2020 рік

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