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Titel: Regarding One Flint Item from the Collection of the Upper Paleolithic Site Kaystrova Balka IV
Autoren: Pistruil, I.
Stichwörter: Dnieper Nadporozhye region
Kaystrova Balka
Upper Paleolithic
Erscheinungsdatum: 2023
Herausgeber: Scientific Research Centre "Lukomorie"
Zusammenfassung: The Kaystrova Balka IV site was discovered by A.V. Dobrovolsky in Kaystrova Balka in 1933. In 1936, A.N. Rogachev examined the collections from Kaystrova Balka sites and made their technical and typological classification. Then, these materials were transferred to the Odesa State Historical and Archaeological Museum. In 1971, S.V. Smirnov published the flint inventory from the Kaystrova Balka IV site. The purpose of the article is the typological attribution of flint product from the collection of the Upper Paleolithic site of Kaistrova balka IV. The scientific novelty. In the 20th century and now, the typological method is widely used for processing archaeological collections. This method is widely used for collections of sites of the Stone Age, when we do not always understand what we are working on. On the basis of the typological analysis of the products of knepping of flint (core, chips, etc.), a reconstruction of the technology of staged primary splitting is proposed, thanks to which a new typological attribution of the product is proved. Conclusions. Іn general terms, it is possible to reconstruct the technology of primary splitting at the Kaystrova Balka IV site. At the first stage, the platform was prepared (most likely with one strike). At the second stage, the blanks were spalled. The spalling could also occur without the initial preparation of the rib, which is typical for the prismatic technique. At the third stage, one massive spall was made. After that, further splitting could occur with or without making a rib. This reconstruction of primary splitting at the Kaystrova Balka IV site allows us to assume that the examined item appeared at the first or second stage. Thus, this item is a flake, which was chipped from the nucleus at the very beginning of the primary splitting.
Beschreibung: Pistruil, I. (2023). Regarding One Flint Item from the Collection of the Upper Paleolithic Site Kaystrova Balka IV. Eminak, 2023(2), 13-21. DOI: 10.33782/eminak2023.2(42).638.
ISSN: 19984634
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