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Titel: Транснаціоналізація політичного простору України та Європейського Союзу
Sonstige Titel: Transnationalization of the political space of Ukraine and the European Union
дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук за спеціальністю 23.00.04 «Політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку»
Autoren: Ференс, Б. В.
Stichwörter: Дудко І. Д.
політичний простір
інституціональне співробітництво
організаційне поле
політичні партії
громадянське суспільство
когнітивне моделювання
Європейський Союз
political space
institutional cooperation
organizational field
political parties
civil society
cognitive modelling
European Union
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Дипломат. акад. України ім. Г. Удовенка при МЗС
Zusammenfassung: Дисертаційне дослідження присвячене комплексному аналізу транснаціоналізації політичного простору України та Європейського Союзу. Актуальність теми дослідження зумовлюється євроінтеграційними орієнтирами України, реалізація яких у вимірі двосторонніх відносин України та ЄС об’єктивно вимагає сприяння, а також, поглибленого наукового осмислення процесу транснаціоналізації політичного простору сторін. Напрацювання, які вдалося отримати в процесі роботи над дисертацію, розкривають усю складність та багатогранність обраної проблематики. Виокремлено основні системо-утворюючі чинники, які безпосередньо впливають на процес транснаціоналізації спільного політичного простору України та ЄС, – інституційне та міжпартійне співробітництво, міжрегіональна та транскордонна співпраця, європеїзація, громадянське суспільство, бізнес, ТНК, профспілкові об’єднання, ЗМІ, спортивні та культурні обміни Беручи до уваги результати когнітивного моделювання, а також проведеного аналізу в рамках дисертаційної роботи, було розроблено сценарії подальшої інтеграції України в політичний простір ЄС, які дають можливість експертному середовищу та особам, які приймають рішення, враховувати їх у своїй роботі. The doctoral thesis is about the complex analysis of the transnationalization of the political space of Ukraine and the European Union. In the dimension of euro- integration benchmarks of Ukraine, the tendency to deepen the processes of political transnationalization needs a special attention, which, in its turn, leads to a more in-depth understanding of these processes in the measurement of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the EU. The concepts, that were developed during the process of working on the dissertation, reveal all the complexity and versatility of the chosen problem. The category of political space is somewhat new in the studies of contemporary political processes, but lately more and more scholars, in majority foreign ones, are trying to use a spatial approach to explain the various phenomena that occur in the global environment. The analysis of historiography and resource base have made it possible to obtain and use in the doctoral thesis the materials of foreign and domestic scientists regarding the theoretical understanding of the category «political space», as well as the processes of transnationalization. A considerable attention in the dissertation is paid to the issues of transformation of the multilevel political space of the European Union after the approval of the Lisbon Treaty, the theoretical substantiation of the EU’s foreign policy and its positioning in Ukraine, the implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy, in particular, within the framework of the Eastern Partnership. It was figured out that the result of the long process of integration of member states into a supranational economic and political union was the creation of a unique form of supranational organizational field, in which the levels of successfulness in searching for balances to fulfill the ratio of national interests to the interests of unification determines further dynamics of development. Another important development in the process of analysis is the identification of the main system-shaping factors that directly affect the process of transnationalization of the common political space of Ukraine and the EU. Such factors include: institutional and inter-party cooperation, interregional and cross-border cooperation, Europeanization, civil society, business, TNCs, trade unions, media, sports and cultural exchanges. The factor of institutional cooperation, which directly influences the process of transnationalization of the political space of Ukraine and the EU, includes the interparliamentary level of cooperation and involvement in the decision-making process of civil society. It is revealed that due to Europeanization there is a blurring of legal, institutional, geopolitical, cultural and also transaction boundaries. The proposed formulation of «transaction boundaries» is almost not found in political academic discourse, though, considering the importance of its use in the context of spatial perception, it should be understood as a phenomenon that embodies certain spatial boundaries, but these limits are not set at the expense of physical boundaries. Particular attention deserves an analysis of non-typical agents of transnationalism, that play a role in shaping the common political space of Ukraine and the EU. This, in turn, makes it possible to counteract obtained results to rather abstract theories of globalization and transnationalism, in which there is some depersonalization of the actors involved. This approach allows one to identify an individual, or a group of individuals, who by their actions form a transnational social space, increase interconnections between themselves, give impulses and determine the contemporary spatial dynamics. In addition, within the framework of the policy-analytical modelling of the prospects for Ukraine’s integration into the political space of the European Union, the role of parliament, political parties and civil society in shaping the common political space of Ukraine and the EU was determined by strengthening institutional capacity, the ability of political elites to prioritize issues of European integration in the domestic political discourse, as well as to provide the appropriate level of support for the euro-integration direction in society. At the Ukrainian political science school, the definition of the activities of transnational political foundations has become a rather innovative, these foundations are ideologically close to the main European political parties as an auxiliary factor, which also contributes to improving political culture, conducting informal consultations and ensuring Ukraine’s support at the EU level. It is political foundations like international non-governmental organizations, that clearly illustrate transnationalization in action and promote, above all, pan-European identity through the introduction of political education, inter-party communication outside the EU, thus integrating the political spaces of different countries. Within the framework of the dissertation, it is noted that inter-party cooperation at the level of Ukraine and the EU is not in its best shape. The main reason for this is in the significant difference between the institutional formation and institutional functioning of political parties. A serious disadvantage in advancement of Ukraine’s interests in the European institutions is focusing attention on foreign policy deputies who are mainly «European-friendly» towards Ukraine. Instead, the contacts with representatives of those political factions that do not show a special interest in Ukrainian issues are rather weak, and this situation creates favourable conditions for lobbying interests of geopolitical opponents. The coherence of the principles and values of the civil society of Ukraine and the EU serves as the most effective driver, which fills this cooperation with practical results. The obtained calculations of feedback coefficients enabled to assume that the proposed cognitive model reflected the real processes of transnationalization of the political space of Ukraine and the EU, and that, through the strengthening of institutional and inter-party cooperation, the integration processes within the organizational field would intensify. The centrifugal processes that can increase the level of conflict within the EU can negatively influence the prospect of further interpenetration of the political spaces of Ukraine and the EU. Taking into account the results of cognitive modelling and the analysis conducted in the framework of the dissertation, there have been developed the scenarios for further integration of Ukraine into the EU political space that enable the expert environment and decision makers to account them in their work.
Beschreibung: Ференс Б. В. Транснаціоналізація політичного простору України та Європейського Союзу = Transnationalization of the political space of Ukraine and the European Union : дис. … канд. політ. наук ; спец. 23.00.04 «Політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку» / Б. В. Ференс ; наук. керівник І. Д. Дудко ; Дипломат. акад. України ім. Г. Удовенка при МЗС, ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Київ, 2017. 232 с.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2017

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