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Titel: Анархістський рух в Україні в 1903–1929 рр. : організаційні форми, комунікації і механізми функціонування
Sonstige Titel: Anarchist Movement in Ukraine in 1903–1929 : Organizational Forms, Communication and Mechanisms of Functioning
дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.01 «Історія України»
Autoren: Савченко, В. А.
Stichwörter: Реєнт О. П.
анархістський рух
робітничий рух
anarchist movement
labor movement
Erscheinungsdatum: 2017
Herausgeber: Ін-т історії України НАН України
Zusammenfassung: Вивчення історії анархізму дає змогу зрозуміти можливі альтернативні шляхи суспільного будівництва, ступінь життєздатності та впливу анархістських ідей. Нині, коли відзначається 100-річчя Української революції, суспільство вимагає від істориків аналізу доленосних подій. Актуальність проблеми зумовлена тим фактором, що в науковій літературі відсутні узагальнюючі й усебічні характеристики ґенези анархістського руху в Україні. Анархістські групи з емігрантів із Російської імперії виникають на початку ХХ ст. на території Англії, Швейцарії, Франції. Анархістські структури в Україні формувалися з 1903 р. як частина світового анархістського руху, його учасники в Західній Європі та США підтримували українських однодумців. Координаційну роль комунікаторів в анархістських структурах виконували авторитетні лідери, редакції видань, згодом федерації. Одеса, Катеринослав, Харків стали центрами анархізму. Діяльність анархістів зводилася до агітації та пропаганди, до «прямих дій» з руйнації основ владної і економічної нерівності. Рушійною силою глобальних змін анархісти вважали робітників та селянство. Лютнева революція 1917 р. надала анархістам шанс скористатися легальністю, піком руху став листопад 1917 р. – квітень 1918 р. Протягом 1918–1921 рр. махновці виборювали незалежний від будь-якої влади «вільний район» на Півдні України. Конфедерація анархістських організацій України «Набат» намагалася об’єднати анархістів, керувати махновським рухом. З 1920 р. в УСРР почалися арешти анархістів, їхню діяльність у профспілках та заводських комітетах було заборонено. Упродовж 1923–1926 рр. помітним став спалах анархістських настроїв, але у 1929 р. чекістські структури ліквідували анархістські групи. У боротьбі проти імперії анархісти об’єктивно опинилися на одному боці з майбутніми творцями української державності, з 1919 р. анархісти стали частиною антибільшовицького опору. Всебічний аналіз політичної практики анархістського руху в рамках суспільно-політичних трансформацій в Україні дає змогу стверджувати, що анархісти намагалися підняти широкі верстви населення проти феодально-буржуазної імперії, білогвардійської та радянської диктатур, що анархізм посів чільне місце в політичному розмаїтті першої чверті ХХ ст. The development of an effective mechanism of relations between the state and society is impossible without analyzing and taking into account the experience of the formation of socio-political movements, their predicted activities. Studying the history of anarchism makes it possible to better understand the possible alternative ways of social construction, the degree of vitality and influence of anarchist ideas. Now, when the 100th anniversary of the Ukrainian revolution is celebrated, the society requires historians to analyze the fateful events. The urgency of the problem is determined by the fact that in the scientific literature there are no generalizing and comprehensive characteristics of the genesis of the anarchist movement in Ukraine. The study is an integrated, comprehensive analysis of the political practice of the anarchist movement and its organizational forms and mechanisms of functioning within the social and political transformations. The scientific novelty of the study’s results is that for the first time it was made a complex studying of the phenomenon and evolution of the anarchist movement, which allows seeing it as a holistic socio-political event. There received its further development the assertion that the anarchist movement has taken its rightful place in the political variety of the first quarter of the 20th century, recreating evolutionary trends of world anarchism and that the Ukrainian Anarchists complemented the global anarchism with new forms. It is proved that terror was seen by the anarchists as a universal weapon and was used for propaganda purposes, to blow radical moods and fundraising; the forms and methods of the Anarchists’ activity in socialization of industrial enterprises and involvement of workers to the «direct democracy» is reconstructed. A new period of the anarchist movement in Ukraine was discovered: mid-1903 – the end of 1929. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the topic, identifies the object and subject of the study, outlines the chronological and territorial boundaries, formulates the purpose and objectives of the dissertation, and reveals the scientific novelty and practical significance. The first section is “Historiography, source base and methodology of research”. The section analyzes the state of scientific development of the problem, source base of the research and its methodology. The analysis of historiography makes it possible to assert that in the scientific literature only some aspects of the stated problems were reflected. The basic quantity of materials consists unpublished sources, which the author worked out in the archives of Ukraine, the RF, the Netherlands (120 funds of 14 archives). As a result of the research on the topic, 64 works were published, including 3 monographs and 22 articles in scientific professional periodicals. The second section – “Political practice of the anarchist groups in 1903–1917”. It reveals the process of appearance and formation of the anarchist movement, its structures, communication, and methods of functioning. Anarchist groups based on emigrants from the Russian Empire began to emerge in the early 20th century in England, Switzerland and France. The Anarchists had the greatest influence on the masses in 1906 and in early 1907. Odessa became the center of spreading of new anarchist trends: “Black Flag” and the Federation of Anarchist Syndicalists “New World” that headed the great strike of sailors and port workers. In 1907–1910, the police inflicted serious blows on these organizations, but it failed to destroy the movement. The First World War broke out the plans of the Anarchists, split their ideological unity; the vast majority of the Anarchists opposed the war, seeing the way out of it in the world revolution. The third section is “Anarchist movement in the period of the Ukrainian revolution (1917–1920)”. It analyzes the activity and evolution of anarchist groups during the years of the greatest influence of anarchism. The February Revolution of 1917 gave the Anarchists a chance to take advantage of the legality of their organizations. In 1917, there were organized federations of anarchists; party members were elected to councils, executive committees of councils, became leaders of trade unions. The Anarchists persuaded the workers to begin the process of socialization of industrial enterprises. The Anarchists became the allies of the Bolshevik party during the uprising against the Provisional Government and the Central Rada. But, after a few days of working together, the Anarchists and Bolsheviks began to confront. In November 1918, the armed groups of the peasant leader N. Makhno invaded their own “free region” independent of any authorities in the south of Ukraine. In autumn of 1918, it was formed the organization of the Anarchists – the Confederation of Anarchist Organizations of Ukraine “Nabat”. The Makhnovists tried to win the autonomy of the “free region”, their own administrative system in the area captured by the rebels. These efforts pushed the Soviet regime to proclaim N. Makhno “illegal” in June 1919. In October 1919, the Makhnovists proclaimed the Labor Federation and declared the protection of “social independence of Ukraine”. The fourth section of the study is “The Anarchist movement in the underground and the struggle against the “dictatorship of proletariat state”: survival, revival attempts, liquidation (1920–1929)”. This section exposes the activities of anarchists in the era of collapse of the policy of Military Communism and New Economic Policy. Since November 1920, in the cities of the Ukrainian the authorities began arresting the anarchists, their activities in trade unions and factory committees was banned. After N. Makhno was proclaimed “outlaw”, the Makhnovists entered into a battle with the Red Army, making raids along Ukraine. In May – July 1921, N. Makhno tried to raise the peasantry to fight against the Bolsheviks. In August 1921, the main armed unit of the Makhnovists went to Romania. In 1923–1926, it was a new notable outbreak of interest to the anarchist ideas, especially from the side of young people. It was associated with disappointment in the NEP and Bolshevik plans, increased unemployment, and expansion of the political niche in connection with disappearance of such parties as the RSDLP, PSR and exacerbation of the struggle for power within the Communist Party. By 1929, the secret police structures liquidated the anarchist groups. The author makes the following conclusions: the anarchist movement in Ukraine had the potential to become a mass movement affecting the movements of workers, peasants and youth, having an effect on aesthetic and cultural tastes. The anarchist groups were formed as a part of the world anarchist movement, the Anarchists of Western Europe and America supported their confederates, and Western countries served as the “background” to the Anarchists from Ukraine. The strength and mass character of the movement were provided by numerous participants of the “direct actions” organized by the Anarchists. The anarchist activity was directed to propaganda, destruction of the foundations of political and economic inequality. In Ukraine, three trends of anarchism dominated: anarchism-communism, anarchism-syndicalism, anarchism-individualism. The Anarchists considered workers, peasantry, intelligentsia and students to be a driving force of global changes. Two peaks of motion (1906–1907 and 1917–1920) are fixed, when the level of support for anarchist slogans was quite high. It was found that Odesa and Katerynoslav, then Kharkiv became centers of anarchism. The movement of the Anarchists was not chaotic, but had centers of influence. The mass movement was created not by members of groups, but by the army of sympathizers who situationally supported the “direct actions”. The victory of the February Revolution (1917) gave the Anarchists a possibility of legal participation in the political life and management of the masses. The Anarchists entered the block with the Bolsheviks, but ideological differences identified its temporal, situational nature. The Bolsheviks opposed the Anarchists, cutting the processes of socialization and self-government. Under the influence of the Bolsheviks, the movement was split into the Anarchists who attempted to make global transformations “in peacetime” and the “radical” Anarchists who began an armed struggle against the communist regime. And a part of the Anarchists followed the Bolsheviks for reasons of the need to protect the revolution, considering that the “state will die”. The Makhno rebel movement aimed at the struggle for the anarchist society, trying to take advantage of the weakness of the Bolsheviks to create a “free region”. The underground stage of the development of the movement required the Anarchists to choose new forms of struggle. In 1920–1921 the Anarchists laid their hope for a peasant revolt, the transfer of the Red Army troops to the side of the rebels. In 1921–1928 they believed in attraction of young people, in strike movement, the movement of unemployed. In 1923–1926, the phenomenon of anarchist “Renaissance” manifested itself, but the subsequent crisis in the anarchist movement happened due to the fact that the anarchism used the old ideological dogmas. In the struggle against the empire, the Anarchists objectively appeared on one side with the future creators of the Ukrainian statehood. The Anarchists became part of the anti-Bolshevik underground, in the structure of which the forces of the Ukrainian national resistance played a significant role.
Beschreibung: Савченко В. А. Анархістський рух в Україні в 1903–1929 рр. : організаційні форми, комунікації і механізми функціонування = Anarchist Movement in Ukraine in 1903–1929 : Organizational Forms, Communication and Mechanisms of Functioning : дис. … д-ра істор. наук ; спец. 07.00.01 «Історія України» / В. А. Савченко ; наук. керівник О. П. Реєнт ; Ін-т історії України НАН України, Нац. акад. наук України ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Київ, 2017. 564 с.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2017

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