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Titel: Родина Курінних у громадсько-політичному та національно-культурному житті України кінця ХІХ – першої половини ХХ століття
Sonstige Titel: The Kurinnyi Family in The Public And Political, National And Cultural Life of Ukraine in The Late 19th – first half of the 20th century
дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук (доктора філософії) за спеціальністю 07.00.01 «Історія України» (032 – «Історія та археологія»)
Autoren: Опацький, І. Ю.
Stichwörter: Кузнець Т. В.
родина Курінних
Петро Федорович Курінний
Петро Петрович Курінний
the Kurinnyi family
Petro F. Kurinnyi
Petro P. Kurinnyi
Uman region
Erscheinungsdatum: 2018
Herausgeber: УДПУ ім. П. Тичини
Zusammenfassung: У дисертації досліджено діяльність представників родини Курінних в багатьох сферах громадсько-політичного та культурного життя Уманщини в другій половині ХІХ – першій третині ХХ ст., а також наукову і культурницьку діяльність Петра Петровича Курінного в Києві та в еміграції. Історію родини Курінних вивчено за допомогою методів «нової сімейної історії». Уперше здійснено спробу цілісної реконструкції та комплексного аналізу діяльності представників родини на ниві громадського, культурного та наукового життя. Детально проаналізовано щоденник Петра Федоровича Курінного у поєднанні з іншими родинними ego-документами. Реконструйовано основні віхи наукового та професійного життя П. П. Курінного. Розглянуто «еміграційний» період життя родини Курінних. Визначено місце та роль Курінних в історії Уманщини та акцентовано на науковому спадку та науковоорганізаційній діяльності Петра Петровича Курінного. The thesis is devoted to the comprehensive study of the history of the Kurinnyi family. The activity of the Kurinnyi family representatives in many spheres of social, political and cultural life of the Uman region in the second half of the 19 th – the first third of the 20th century had been researched. Scientific and cultural activities of Petro P. Kurinnyi in Kyiv and in emigration had been revealed. The history of the Kurinnyi family had been studied based on the methods of „a new family history”. For the first time, an attempt was made to reconstruct and comprehensively analyse the activities of the family’s representatives in the field of social, cultural and scientific life. The diary of Petro F. Kurinnyi in conjunction with other related ego-documents had been analyzed in detail. It was a unique document on the history of the Uman region. The analysis of those documents showed that they had accumulated a considerable amount of information that was a valuable source of microhistory and the history of the Uman people everyday life of the first decades of the 20th century. It extended knowledge of the regional history of the designated period and provided the perception of the events of the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917-1921 by Uman citizens. It allowed to reconstruct the everyday religious life in the Uman region, generalize the most urgent problems of that time society, make some accents from the history of inter-confessional and interethnic relations in the Uman region. The author emphasized that Petro F. Kurinnyi had been a member of many public associations of the Uman region of the early 20th century, which purpose was to increase the educational level of the population and charitable activities. In particular, he founded and headed the Free Fire Team, took active part in philanthropic societies to help the poor, the Animal Assistance Society, the Guardianship of People's Sovereignty, the School Branch and other associations. It was stated that the dissemination of the cooperative movement in the Uman region had been an undeniable merit of Petro Kurinnyi. He was a participant and organizer of co-operatives, including the first in the city Savings and Loan Society, which purpose was to provide a short-term lending to peasants, craftsmen and small traders. The main milestones of scientific and professional life of Petro P. Kurinnyi had been revealed. His first steps in the scientific and pedagogical field were the following: archaeological research conducting, the creation of the Uman Museum of Local History, and pedagogical activities at Uman schools. The participation of the Kurinnyi family representatives in the activities of the Uman Branch of the Kyiv Society for the Protection of Antiquities and Art had been closely monitored. It was stated that after the the movement to Kyiv in 1924, the scientist played a significant role in the development of Ukrainian museum and memorial affairs, continued to carry out archaeological research and took care of personnel training for museum affairs and archeology. The preconditions for the departure of Petro Kurinnyi to Germany, his work in the research centers of the Ukrainian diaspora had been shown. Based on the analysis of diaspora editions and documents from Petro Kurinnyi’s personal archival fund in Munich, the author reconstructed the main milestones of the scientist's intellectual biography. It was emphasized that the famous scientist and archaeologist had taken part in the renewal of the activities of the Ukrainian Free University in Munich and initiated the creation of the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences. The basic directions of activity of scientific establishments had been shown. The main scientific achievements of the scientist in emigration had been highlighted. The cooperation with the Institute for the Study of the USSR, the Ukrainian Free University, the Ukrainian Free Academy of Sciences and the Ukrainian Historical Society had been analyzed. Consequently, the comprehensive study of the life course, scientific and social activities of the Kurinnyi family gave reason to assert that they had been prominent representatives of the nationally conscious Ukrainian intelligentsia and played an important role in the development of Ukrainian science, museum affairs, and significant scientific work of Petro P. Kurinnyi remained unforgettable.
Beschreibung: Опацький І. Ю. Родина Курінних у громадсько-політичному та національно-культурному житті України кінця ХІХ – першої половини ХХ століття = The Kurinnyi Family in The Public And Political, National And Cultural Life of Ukraine in The Late 19th – first half of the 20th century : дис. … канд. істор. наук (доктора філософії) ; спец. 07.00.01 «Історія України» (032 – «Історія та археологія») / І. О. Опацький ; наук. керівник Т. В. Кузнець ; УДПУ ім. П. Тичини, ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Умань, 2018. 259 с.
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:2018

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