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Назва: Американський чинник у європейських інтеграційних процесах в період президентства Барака Обами
Інші назви: American factor in European integration processes during the presidency of Barack Obama
дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата політичних наук ; спеціальність 23.00.04 «Політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку»
Автори: Лимар, М. Ю.
Ключові слова: Шевчук О. В.
трансатлантичні відносини
європейська інтеграція
Б. Обама
transatlantic relations
European integration
the U.S.
Дата публікації: 2019
Видавництво: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Короткий огляд (реферат): Дисертаційну роботу присвячено комплексному дослідженню трансатлантичних відносин, зокрема впливу американського чинника на процеси європейської інтеграції. Визначено основні етапи розвитку американсько-європейських відносин, розглянуто ключові напрями європейської політики адміністрації Б. Обами. Проаналізовано співпрацю у форматі США-ЄС в економічній та військово-оборонній сферах. Доведено, що незважаючи на зміни зовнішньополітичних пріоритетів Сполучених Штатів Америки, європейський простір завжди залишався в центрі уваги США. Європейські інтеграційні процеси та концепцію глобального лідерства США визначено детермінантами трансатлантичних відносин. Американський чинник справляв переважно консолідувальний вплив на країни Західної Європи, що віддзеркалювалося у намірах ЄС розробити спільну політику безпеки та оборони без втручання США та підтримці ініціативи щодо укладання угоди щодо трансатлантичного торгівельно-інвестиційного партнерства. Значна увага приділяється дослідженню американсько-українських відносин, одним із визначальних чинників яких став російськоукраїнський конфлікт на Сході України, у контексті євроінтеграційних прагнень нашої держави. Визначено, що за президентства Б. Обами Україна стала реципієнтом американської допомоги, що стало фактором стабілізації ситуації в Україні та запобігання подальшої ескалації конфлікту вглиб держави. The thesis is devoted to the complex study of transatlantic relations, in particular, to the American impact on the European integration. The core stages of the American-European relations development are determined; the key directions of the Obama’s European policy are considered. It is analyzed a cooperation on the U.S.-EU axis in the economic and military-defense spheres. Despite the changes in the U.S. foreign policy priorities, European space has always been the focus of the American Administrations. The United States has made significant efforts to unite Europe in the XX century. At the same time, contrary to the characteristics of European integration as the U.S. project, it is concluded that the beginning of integration shifts has been only a matter of time. Western Europe is entire in its essence, due to the common history, the interconnection of cultures, and joint values. Moreover, the Europeans belong to a single civilizational space. For these reasons, the creation of a common supranational utilitarian unity has become an initiative supported by the majority of Europe’s population. Actually, the transatlantic cooperation with the U.S., which tried to control the process of European consolidation from the very beginning, guided by the concept of global leadership, has become one of the primary factors of the European integration success. In its turn, European integration, as well as the concept of global U.S. leadership, is the determinant of transatlantic relations. Throughout the history of integration transformations, Europe has been remaining a space for the U.S. ambitions realization, in particular, under the presidency of Obama, after the period of the transatlantic split. Moreover, the American attitude to the consolidated Europe is dualistic. It is balanced on the fringes of involvement into the European integration, given the need for a strong Atlantic ally, and detachment from European affairs for not promoting excessive consolidation of Europe and its transformation into an equal competitor. However, it is highlighted that the U.S. has never refused monitoring Europe affairs and regularly took direct or contextual part in solving European issues. Exploring the European direction of the Obama administration foreign policy, it is noted the lack of effective changes in the U.S.-EU cooperation. The U.S. supported it at a level, which was sufficient to focus on other regions. During the first presidency term, Obama preferred the Asia-Pacific region and was ready to reload the relationship with the Russian Federation. However, in contrast to his predecessors, Obama did not intend to level the significance of the European vector, as evidenced by his brilliant European speeches and calls for the joint building of a peaceful and secure future. Nonetheless, the American factor mainly exerted a consolidating influence on the countries of Western Europe that was reflected in their official intentions to reach an agreement on a transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP) and to develop the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) without the U.S. participation. It is concluded that Obama’s presidency has not been characterized by the creation of the new economic organizations or institutions in Europe to allow the U.S. directly influencing the EU policies. Since the beginning of 2010s, the EU economy has been remaining one of the strongest; and the transatlantic space is the largest trade platform in the world. In 2013, a new economic dialogue between the U.S. and the EU began on the TTIP agreement – the most prominent pro-European integration initiative during the presidency of Obama. The TTIP had to cover all major trade sectors and markets that would provide the EU and the U.S. economies with greater synergy in providing economic growth, scientific, technical and innovation development, and creating numerous jobs. Since 2016, negotiations have been suspended or transferred to the latent phase. Europe has substantially strengthened its position after the end of the Cold War, forcing the U.S. to consider its intentions to develop the own effective security policy. Since 2010, it is fixed the persisted tendency towards reduction of the EU countries’ expenses for the common defense needs within the framework of NATO. The claims under the Obama's presidency for the renewal of NATO-led cooperation have not had the desired effect, indicating a weakening of the U.S. influence on the defense integration of the European community, despite the fact that the U.S. remains, as a matter of fact, the leading superpower. It is stated that the independent strong Europe was not the American priority of the Obama administration, contrary to the official statements. The ESDP is beneficial for the U.S. as a complement to the Alliance’s policy. During the Obama cadences, the European Commission gradually consolidated its positions in the field of security and defense. However, despite to the desire of creating own army and promoting the ESDP without the U.S. direct or indirect control, European states were failed to realize their intentions due to the lack of unity on the discussed issue and the unwillingness to bear additional costs for the implementation of the ESDP. Instead, NATO has been remaining the core platform for transatlantic military-defense cooperation. Much attention is paid to a study of the U.S.-Ukrainian relations in the context of the European aspirations of our state. It is underlined that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the East of Ukraine has been one of the determining factors of the Ukrainian participation in transatlantic processes. Ukraine became the recipient of American economic and military aid under the Obama's presidency, which was a driving force in stabilizing the situation in Ukraine and preventing the further escalation of the conflict deep into the state.
Опис: Лимар М. Ю. Американський чинник у європейських інтеграційних процесах в період президентства Барака Обами = American factor in European integration processes during the presidency of Barack Obama : дис. … канд. політ. наук ; спец. 23.00.04. «Політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку» / М. Ю. Лимар ; наук. керівник О. В. Шевчук ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Миколаїв, 2019. 249 с.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://dspace.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/1235
Розташовується у зібраннях:2019

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