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dc.contributor.authorKryshtanovych, M.-
dc.contributor.authorAntonova, L.-
dc.contributor.authorLarina, N.-
dc.contributor.authorLarin, S.-
dc.contributor.authorInozemtseva, O.-
dc.descriptionKryshtanovych, M., Antonova, L., Larina, N., Larin, S., & Inozemtseva, O. (2024). Application of a Methodology for Modeling the Influence of Environmental Factors on the Work of the Public Sector in the Context of Sustainable Development. International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, 19 (5), 1903-1910. DOI: 10.18280/ijsdp.190528uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn recent decades, increased awareness of environmental issues has led to significant attention to sustainable development, especially in the public sector, where the need for a balanced combination of economic growth, social justice and environmental protection has become increasingly apparent. The main purpose of the article is to present a methodical approach to assessing the impact of environmental factors on the public sector in the context of sustainable development. The object of research is the sustainable development of the public administration system. The scientific task is to evaluate the environmental factors in such a way as to reveal the most significant in the action of the sustainable development of the public sector. The proposed approach to modelling the influence of environmental factors on the work of the sustainable development of the public sector is based on the method of multicriteria selection of alternatives based on a fuzzy advantage ratio. The multicriteria alternative selection method relies on a comprehensive assessment of various factors to ensure an objective selection of strategies, while the fuzzy balance of advantages reduces the impact of ambiguity and uncertainty, providing more accurate and reliable analysis results. As a result of the conducted research, an approach to the assessment of environmental factors on the activity of the public sector was presented. By applying the method of multi-criteria selection of alternatives on the basis of a fuzzy ratio of advantages, the modelling of factors for the public sector in the context of sustainable development was carried out, which contributed to the creation of the necessary informational basis for improving their activities. One limitation of this study is the lack of analysis of the health and environmental impacts of agrochemicals, changes in biodiversity due to anthropogenic activities, and the socioeconomic impacts of environmental changes on communities. Future research will carefully analyze these factors to provide a more complete picture of the environmental challenges facing the public sector in the context of sustainable development.uk_UA
dc.subjectsustainable development environmental factorsuk_UA
dc.subjectpublic sectoruk_UA
dc.titleApplication of a Methodology for Modeling the Influence of Environmental Factors on the Work of the Public Sector in the Context of Sustainable Development.uk_UA
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