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dc.contributor.authorТацієнко, Н. Л.-
dc.descriptionТацієнко Н. Л. Селянство Правобережної України в імперський період (1793-1917 рр.) : на матеріалах Уманського повіту = The peasantry of Right-bank Ukraine during the imperial period (1793-1917) : on the materials of Uman district : дис. … канд. істор. наук ; спец. 07.00.01 «Історія України» / Н. Л. Тацієнко ; наук. керівник Т. В. Кузнець ; УДПУ ім. П. Тичини , ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. Умань, 2019. 281 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню становища правобережного селянства наприкінці ХVІІІ – на початку ХХ ст. У роботі відображено динаміку чисельності, рівень освіченості, соціально-економічне становище, суспільну активність селянства Уманського повіту. Визначено, що однією з головних причин зубожіння найчисельнішої верстви населення було малоземелля, яке в пореформені роки ще більше зростало. Зазначається, що хліборобство було основним способом забезпечення селянина, проте успішне ведення сільського господарства, попри родючість ґрунтів, залежало ще й від забезпеченості тягловою силою. Встановлено, що посилення кріпосницької експлуатації селянства Уманського повіту призвело до загострення протестних настроїв основної маси населення та поширення селянських заворушень, а проведення селянської реформи 1861 р. не вирішило очікуваного селянами питання про наділення землею. Визначено, що найбільш масовим селянський рух другої половини ХІХ - початку ХХ ст. був саме на Правобережжі. The thesis is devoted to a comprehensive study of Right-bank Ukraine’s peasantry in late 18th – early 20th centuries. The general characteristics of Ukrainian rural population were shown on the example of Uman district in Kyiv province. The regional peculiarities of conditions the largest social stratum lived in during the studied period were also elucidated. The presented research describes the peasantry’s way of life, social and economic status, population dynamics, educational level and social activities in Uman district in late 18th – early 20th centuries. It has been proved that the dynamics of the peasantry population in both Kyiv province and Uman district had a wave-like character. During the studied period Uman district, as one of the largest areas in terms of its territories and number of inhabitants, was agricultural region; the vast majority of its population lived in rural zones and was not properly educated. The Orthodox Church contributed greatly to the involvement of broad masses of the peasantry into school education. As a result, since the 1860s the church and parish education had become widespread. The thesis proves that, despite the noticeable changes in the issue of public education, peasantry education even in early 20th century can be stated as insufficient one. At that time the percentage of literate rural population was 10.6 per cent of the entire number of peasants in Uman district. In addition, the level of female education was much lower than male one. It has been determined that during the studied period a significant difference in providing every peasant entered in a census list with allotment was observed. The fact that Right-bank Ukraine’s peasants were divided into tax, pedestrians and gardeners was taken into account when the size of land plots was determined for the former landlord peasants and consequently the size of their plots was far from uniform. If the gardeners had only small holdings, tax peasants’ fields were twice bigger in size than those of pedestrians. Moreover, the dimension of allotment for tax peasants or pedestrians could be different in various settlements. The specificity of agricultural activities in the district depended greatly on the amount of lands to be allotted. This indicator also affected the material support of rural workers, because it determined the amount of lands in a separate farm. The predominance of large land ownership and long-term lease when the tenants were not peasants or rural communities, but mostly representatives from other social strata can be stated among the main peculiarities of land tenure in Kyiv province. In early 20th century Uman district was one of the least provided with lands in Kyiv province. High redemption payments, taxes, villain-socage and shortage of lands resulted in migration of peasants. Kyiv province was the fourth region among large areas in number of displaced persons. Stolypin’s agrarian reform increased the resettlement from Ukrainian lands. It has been determined that farming was the main means of providing for the peasants. It is emphasized that successful agriculture, despite the fertility of soils, also depended on the provision of draft power and livestock. Meanwhile, the population increased but the peasant farms were slowly being supplied with necessary draft power. Livestock farming was a traditional occupation for the peasants and the profitability of their farms depended largely on their development. It has been found that in Uman district the peasantry preferred sheep breeding and horses were the main workforce in their farms. It has also been stated that in this district the intensification of the feudal exploitation of the peasantry together with landowners’ cruelty and impunity led to the protests among the majority of the population and increase of peasant riots. The thesis notes that the peasant reform of 1861 did not solve the issue of allotment expected by the peasants and left the basis for the peasant dissatisfaction and the continuation of the struggle. Refusal to perform duties and to sign charter documents, cutting down landlord forests and destruction of crops, resistance to land zoning, arbitrary re-election of village headmen and parishioners were among the main forms of protests in the second half of the 19th century. The peasants considered the charter documents as a new way of depriving them of their long-awaited freedom, and hoped to get land free of charge. In late 19th – early 20th centuries Right-bank Ukraine witnessed the biggest peasant movement.uk_UA
dc.publisherУДПУ ім. П. Тичиниuk_UA
dc.subjectКузнець Т. В.uk_UA
dc.subjectУманський повітuk_UA
dc.subjectКиївська губерніяuk_UA
dc.subjectселянські виступиuk_UA
dc.subjectUman districtuk_UA
dc.subjectKyiv provinceuk_UA
dc.subjectshortage of landsuk_UA
dc.subjectpeasant riotsuk_UA
dc.titleСелянство Правобережної України в імперський період (1793-1917 рр.) : на матеріалах Уманського повітуuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe peasantry of Right-bank Ukraine during the imperial period (1793-1917) : on the materials of Uman districtuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeдисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук за спеціальністю 07.00.01 «Історія України»uk_UA
Appears in Collections:2019

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