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Showing results 180 to 199 of 2231 < previous   next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Increasing the Investment Potential in the Context of Ensuring the Financial Security of the Agricultural Sector of UkraineKozyreva, O.; Andriyash V.; Fedorchak, O.; Vibly, P.; Tatarinov, R.
2023Indicators of the Course Remote Procedures Correction according to IoMT the Patient State Assessments in Restorative MedicineTrunov, A.; Dronyuk, I.; Skopenko, I.
2023Indicators of the Course Remote Procedures Correction according to IoMT the Patient State Assessments in Restorative MedicineTrunov, A.; Dronyuk, I.; Skopenko, I.
2023Influence of Components of the Pro-Oxidant-Antioxidant System on the Immune Response Levels of Cereal Crop VarietiesBobrova, M.; Holodaieva, O.; Larycheva, O.; Tsviakh, O.; Vysotskyi, A.
2023Influence of Filler Introduction Method on Structure and Properties of Polymer Composites Based on Polyurethane and Silver NanoparticlesLysenkov, E. A.; Striutskyi, O. V.
2023Influence of Filler Introduction Method on Structure and Properties of Polymer Composites Based on Polyurethane and Silver NanoparticlesLysenkov, E. A.; Striutskyi, O.
2023Influence of Preparation Conditions on Structure and Properties of Composites Based on Polyethylene Oxide and Clay NanoparticlesLysenkov, E.; Bilyi, S.; Nesin, S.; Klepko, V.
2024Influence of the discharge circuit inductance on the process of galvanic wastes electrospark purificationPetrichenko, S.; Przystupa, K.; Malyushevskaya, A.; Ivanov, A.; Mitryasova, O.; Kochan, O.
2024Information Hygiene During the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation Against UkraineHabro, I.; Shevchuk, O.; Lanoviuk, L.; Khvist, V.
2018Information Technologies in TranslationYelisieieva, S. V.
2023Innovations in the Field of Education in the Context of Improving the Personnel Incentive SystemChornomordenko, D.; Taran, G.; Havronenko, V.; Astremska, I.; Parfilova, S.
2024Innovative Approaches in Public Administration: Strategies and Tools for Achieving SustainabilityZhovnirchyk, Y.; Larina, N.; Yurii, S.; Tatarnikova, T.; Sukharnykov, V.
2022Innovative System of Computer Modelling of Multiphysics Processes for Controlled Electrocurrent Treatment of MeltsZaporozhets, Y.; Ivanov, A.; Kondratenko, Y.; Tsurkin, V.; Batechko, N.
2024Innovative teaching methods for developing basic skills in higher education students through real professional contextsTamozhska, I.; Chubuk, R.; Pienov, V.; Myroshnychenko, N.; Prokofyeva, L.
2023Intelligent information technology for structural optimization of fuzzy control and decision-making systemsKozlov, O.V; Kondratenko, Y. P.; Skakodub, O. S.
2024Intelligent IoT-based Control System of the UAV for Meteorological MeasurementsKozlov, O.; Kondratenko, Y.; Skakodub, O.
2023Intelligent System for Adhesion Control of Universal Robotic PlatformZheng, Y.; Kozlov, O.; Kondratenko, G.; Denysenko, A.
2022Interaction between public authorities and civil society institutions in the field of preventing and combating corruptionAntonova, I.; Mishchenko, D.; Bandura, I.; Abdullayev, V.; Dolhyi, O.
2022Internal and External ‘Enemies’ as Means of Consolidating Russians in Struggle for Status of International Leadership of Russian Empire in the Middle of the 19th centuryZemskyi, Y.; Trygub, O.
2024Interrelation and inter-influence of artificial intelligence and higher education systemsKondratenko, Y. P.; Slyusar, V. I.; Solesvik, M. B.; Kondratenko, N. Y.; Gomolka, Z.