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Title: Modern Didactic System of Open Education in Ukraine: Problems, Solutions
Authors: Stepanova, T.
Khayruddinov, M.
Kuznetsova, O.
Kurchatova, A.
Korniienko, I.
Keywords: open education
didactic system
individualization of education
information technology
international educational space
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The emergence of an open education system is associated with the growing interest of the population in obtaining an educational product of a higher level and dissatisfaction with the implementation of educational needs through traditional education. The article aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current state of open education in Ukraine, including an evaluation of its strengths and weaknesses, and to propose a methodology for addressing its problems. The article presents the definition of open education, the essence, purpose, subject. The main initial methodological ideas of open education include the idea of activity, consistency, and reflection. These ideas require an understanding of education as an integral part of social activity, consideration of the individual within the system of life, and the use of various forms of informational influence for the formation of a creative personality. Additionally, the article emphasizes the integration of the structural elements of didactics to generate a holistic pedagogical process. Using it in practice, it will not allow the teacher to drop one of its elements, replacing it with another. Such a construct can be the key to the success of open education in the present and in the future.
Description: Stepanova, T., Khayruddinov, M., Kuznetsova, O., Kurchatova, A., & Korniienko, I . (2023). Modern Didactic System of Open Education in Ukraine: Problems, Solutions. Eduweb-revista de Tecnologia de Informacion y Comunicacion en Educacion, 17 (2), 188-198. DOI: 10.46502/issn.1856-7576/2023.17.02.16
ISSN: 1856-7576
Appears in Collections:Публікації науково-педагогічних працівників ЧНУ імені Петра Могили у БД Web of Science

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